Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How to install DAPAT JANDA tools on termux

how to install JANDA tools and make the world a better place.

Before we proceed i hope you must have read all about termux in our previous discussion about termux and it functions.

so before i we proceed always remember to drop your feedback using comment box and share it with friends.

let go open your termux and copy and paste the below without $

$apt update && apt upgrade

$pkg install curl

$pkg install git

$git clone https://github.com/hendrikcyber

&pkg install janda

$pkg janda.my

enjoy 🔥😘

Monday, September 17, 2018

How to run lazymux on termux

Lazymux is used to
[01] Information Gathering
[02] Vulnerability Scanner
[03] Stress Testing
[04] Password Attacks
[05] Web Hacking
[06] Exploitation Tools
[07] Sniffing & Spoofing
[08] Other etc.

in other to run Lasymux on your termux follow up with the below commands just copy and paste them one by one;
apt install python2

apt install git

apt update

git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/Lazymux


cd Lazymux


python2 lazymux.py
now select the usage you need to run.

please note it only for educational purposes

Sunday, September 16, 2018

How to Deface a website with CSS

🔰 * # How to Deface a website with Cross Site Scripting # * 🔰

❌ Hacking is illegal, so taking risks entirely is up to you, exploithacker admin is not responsible. ❌

Today I will teach you how to delete sites that have XSS vulnerabilities.

Anointing is one of the most common things when hackers find vulnerabilities on a website.

Defacing is turning website content into hacker content.

Most of the time, attackers use this technique to inform about vulnerabilities to Admin.

But that's a bad idea ...!

I have some of the easiest methods to damage the Xss vuln site ... I will teach you one by one.

1 - Script to change the background of Website color:

< script > document.body.bgColor = "red";
use this on your target website as


http://www.targetwebsite.com/< script&...y.bgColor= "red";

2 - Script to broadcast website background images:


< script > document.body.background = "http: //your_image.jpg/";

3 - Rejection page with Pastehtml:

First, upload a few pages of change (html) to pastehtml.com and get the link.

When you find an XSS vulnerable site, enter the script as:


< script > window.location = "http://www.pastehtml.com/Your_Defacement_link";

This script will redirect the page to your past defensive page.

Note: You can damage only persistent XSS vulnerable sites.

4 - Littering with iframe injection

What is an IFrame Injection?

Using the IFrame tag, The Attackers inject malware containing a website (link)

use the Cross Scripting site on popular websites.

So, if a regular visitor from a popular site opens a website,

it will redirect to websites that contain malware.

Malware will be loaded onto your computer, now you are infected.

What can an attacker with an Iframe Injection do?

Using Iframe Injection, the attacker can inject ads on other websites,

enter site links that are infected with malware, redirect to sites that are infected with malware and more.

Termux apt list chmod and python commands (Apt list) (chmod + x .sh) (python.py)

the Basic Termux Commands which is supper powerful useful and which we has to know offhand:

Command; apt update
this command is used to update termux software update to allow it to function normal in full.

Command; apt upgrade
This command is used to upgrade termux software in to install the recent firmware.

Command; termux-setup-storage
this command is used to set up internal storage, in other to allow you to access using command "cd" without quote. which is Command; cd (storage)

Command; ls
this command is to view directory and files on command line

Command; cd / sdcard / Download /
to access download files in either SD card or in phone storage

* (Move file to Termux)
Command; cd / sdcard / Download / (file) $ HOME
Command; pwd (indicate current folder)
Command; cd /data/data/com.termux/files/home/
Command; unzip (file)

* (Copy and send)

Command; cp (file) /data/data/com.termux/usr/bin/
Command; cd /data/data/com.termux/usr/bin/
Command; cd /data/data/com.termux/files/home/

* (Remove files)

Command; rm -r (file)
Command; cd .. (rewind folder)

* (Return to Termux home folder)
Command; cd /data/data/com.termux/files/home/

* (Open new session)
Command; [CTRL and ALT + c]
Command; exit or [CTRL + d] and enter for both (delete session)

* (Install packages)
Command; apt install (package)
Command; apt list (list packages)

* (open page with termux)
Command; termux-open (site)
Command; dpkg --print-architecture (Architecture)
Command; ifconfig (info)
python3 --version

with those above commands i totally believe that you will be able to make so much better move on Termux.
whatsapp me if you need anything else on +2347063373407 am Anthony pyzon. thanks

Installation of Metasploit-Framework-4.16.2 on Termux without Root

Hello am
Anthony Pyzon

Today we will learn how to install new updated metasploit-framework-4.16.Metasploit-Framework-4.16.12 on Termux without having root on your android device.

In previous metasploit-Framework-4.14.28 there are many bugs and error founds like problem in network_interference-0.0.1 not install always damage during installation process and also found segment fault, but in this Metasploit-Framework-4.16.12 scripts all depencies and bugs ,errors & segment fault are remove this scripts is error free now.

Now you can install a new Metasploit-Framework-4.16.12 on your android in termux.

Process and commands for installing metasploit-framework

First open termux app ,then update and upgrade the termux by typing command
$apt update
$apt upgrade
updating termux packages
upgrading termux packages
Then next what we have to done ,install a package curl
$apt install curl
                                                                                              installing package curl 
Now next we have do ,copy the metasploit-frame-4.16.12 frome here
paste it on termux $HOME directory by typing command
getting metasploit.sh script.
Now after  getting metasploit.sh script we have to change the permission of metasploit.sh by typing command
$chmod 777 metasploit.sh
the execute the metassploit.sh program by typing command
$sh metasploit.sh
Now installing process is started ,first it's gonna install all required packages then it's gonna install metasploit-framework-4.16.12 tar.gz file and extract it and all reqirements gonna install gemfiles,nokogiri and dependecies.
installing required packages
installing metasploit-framework
Now after completed everything clear the terminal and change your directory to metasploit-framework by typing command 
$cd metasploit-framework
changing directory to metasploit-framework
Now start metasploit with $./msfconsole  
starting msfconsole
metasploit-framework-4.16.12 is started 


first you have to read our recent update on  
termux emulator for novice<

Termux emulator commands for novice

These tutorials are only for

educational purpose and security purpose

dont missuse these tutorials.

first what is termux? read here.

Use these tricks and tool for security purpose to check the vulnerabilities of your own websites devices, routers, computers devices and

fix it, and stay secure.

if you use these tricks

in any illigal purpose, then i am not

responsible for your malecious activities

so guys always stay legal, stay secure.DoLegal..

use this tricks and tools for only security purpose..

first you have to go play store, search and download "termux" without quote.
then after that open it and wait for it to run some installation it sef.

now after done follow up with instructions below.

Installation to install and update some termux files before using it :

$ apt update && apt upgrade
press enter

$ apt install git
press enter

$ apt install python2
press enter

$ apt install python
press enter

those above files are the most basic commands you have to know offhand before learning anything about termux.


first what is tm-scanner?

TM-scanner is simple python script.This tool for detecting vulnerabilities in any websites.

so let start with Installation :

$ apt update && apt upgrade

$ apt install git

$ apt install python2

$ apt install python
NOTE: don't forget to press enter on each command above and below
$ git clone https://github.com/TechnicalMujeeb/TM-scanner
copy the git clone together with the link and paste it.

$ cd TM-scanner

Press ls and hit enter

$ chmod +x *

$ sh install.sh

usage :

$ python2 tmscanner.py

select your option and enter target site [example.com]

WOW enjoy. more updates coming.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

What is termux emulator?

What is
Terminal emulator?

termux is a terminal powerful tool for Android use that is use in collection Linux packages.

With termux terminal emulator you can be able to run the following on your smart phone devices.

• Enjoy the bash and zsh shells.
• Edit files with nano and vim.
• Access servers over ssh.
• Develop in C with clang, make and gdb.
• Use the python console as a pocket calculator.
• Check out projects with git and subversion.
• Run text-based games with frotz.
search and download termux on play store or use this link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux

At first start a small base system is downloaded - desired packages can then be installed using the apt package manager. Access the built-in help by long-pressing anywhere on the terminal and selecting the Help menu option to learn more.

Want to read the help online?

Want to ask questions, report bugs or give feedback?

In our next post am going to explain the basic commands of termux.

Want to join the Termux group chat?
we will update link soon.

The Apple Watch Series 4

Apple's main moneymaker is the iPhone, but analysts and the press can't help but speculate about the trillion-dollar company's next big thing. Is it a car? Maybe a pair of smart computer glasses?

But the future of Apple is already on the market, and it's selling about 18 million units per year, according to estimates. You might already have one on your wrist. It's the Apple Watch, the wearable computing device that the company first released in 2015.

Nowhere was this more clear this past week at the company's annual iPhone launch event at its Apple Park campus. Yes, Apple revealed new iPhones. But it spent about an hour on the new Apple Watch, which got a much bigger reaction from the crowd of 1,000 Apple reporters and analysts attending the launch event than any iPhone.

The Apple Watch Series 4, as Apple calls the new models, represent the first new update to its industrial design since the device was first introduced in 2014. They're thinner, they have a bigger screen, and sport improved speakers and microphones. (At a starting price of $399, they also are slightly more expensive than previous models, it should be noted.)

They also come with a ton of new watch faces, including moving images of fire and water filmed with a high-speed camera, alongside some new looks for the operating system. There are a lot of big changes.
The new watches make old Apple Watches look clunky and obsolete. Basically, the Apple Watch just had its coming-out party, all over again — a clear sign of where Apple's technical ambitions lie, as the iPhone faces diminishing returns, with each model representing only an incremental step over the ones previous.