Sunday, September 16, 2018

How to Deface a website with CSS

🔰 * # How to Deface a website with Cross Site Scripting # * 🔰

❌ Hacking is illegal, so taking risks entirely is up to you, exploithacker admin is not responsible. ❌

Today I will teach you how to delete sites that have XSS vulnerabilities.

Anointing is one of the most common things when hackers find vulnerabilities on a website.

Defacing is turning website content into hacker content.

Most of the time, attackers use this technique to inform about vulnerabilities to Admin.

But that's a bad idea ...!

I have some of the easiest methods to damage the Xss vuln site ... I will teach you one by one.

1 - Script to change the background of Website color:

< script > document.body.bgColor = "red";
use this on your target website as

Code:< script&...y.bgColor= "red";

2 - Script to broadcast website background images:


< script > document.body.background = "http: //your_image.jpg/";

3 - Rejection page with Pastehtml:

First, upload a few pages of change (html) to and get the link.

When you find an XSS vulnerable site, enter the script as:


< script > window.location = "";

This script will redirect the page to your past defensive page.

Note: You can damage only persistent XSS vulnerable sites.

4 - Littering with iframe injection

What is an IFrame Injection?

Using the IFrame tag, The Attackers inject malware containing a website (link)

use the Cross Scripting site on popular websites.

So, if a regular visitor from a popular site opens a website,

it will redirect to websites that contain malware.

Malware will be loaded onto your computer, now you are infected.

What can an attacker with an Iframe Injection do?

Using Iframe Injection, the attacker can inject ads on other websites,

enter site links that are infected with malware, redirect to sites that are infected with malware and more.

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